Crime & Punishment

Crime and justice comment and analysis

Archive for September 2011

West destroying themselves

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Ten years after 9/11, much of the free world paused to remember and remind us to “Never forget.” It truly is hard to forget that day for those of us old enough.  It was one of those history-making days that transcended everything running parallel, like the day JFK was shot or the landing on the moon for the first time.


But as I reflected on that day I was struck by a dichotomy; how far we have come in defeating the enemies of the West and how it may not matter if politicians don’t get their head around our spending problem.


The people who hijacked those planes were bent on their mission to ultimately destroy America and the West.  In many ways they needn’t have bothered.  We have been destroying ourselves from within for a long time. Unless and until western governments get control of their fiscal deficits, they will accomplish what Osama bin Laden and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed never could. We simply cannot afford to support so many politically correct causes and sacrosanct programs such as our healthcare system.


Equally, we cannot afford the ridiculous demands of groups like the BCTF and other public sector unions in their contract talks.  Where in the world do they think the money will come from?


The unions who drive the debate of the left in this country seem to think that there is no end of money available if we only tax the rich more.  Oh, and those damn corporations. And most especially banks and oil companies!  It doesn’t matter to them that these are the very organizations who generate all the money to pay for the public sector. The unions are content to bite the hand that feeds.


They really need a reality check as they stand there with both their hand and bottom lip out. Here’s a clue: want more money? Try providing more value.  Or get a marketable skill.  It’s amazing how much money business will pay for value provided.


But I digress. The USA under the leadership of Barack Obama is now getting frightening.  Not faux frightening as the lib-left screamed about the stewardship of the country under George W. Bush. But real frightening, as in their interest payments to China, which holds a significant amount of American foreign debt, will entirely fund the Army of the People’s Republic in a few short years.  Not debt payments, interest payments alone.


That’s unsustainable in the short term, let alone over the next decades.  If the American economy gets driven over the cliff, it doesn’t matter how responsible our governments have been.  We’re done too.  And when that happens, all of western society will go down the same drain.


Bin Laden could have just waited and watched the West do it to ourselves.



Written by Leo Knight

September 13, 2011 at 1:47 pm